Enter the Auto-Pods

Mar 15, 2024 | AI

AI Podcasts are here

Witnessing this ‘dawn of AI’ era, I’m blown away at the clever ways people are using these tools for their business. The Discover Daily podcast is a great exaple of this, the team at Perplexity.ai has figured out how to use their tool, and maybe a few others, to put out a pretty decent product.

The podcast features AI-generated news summaries read by a synthetic, human-like voice

Content and Curation

The news summaries featured in the podcast are curated from Perplexity’s “Discover” feed, which presents a running list of the day’s key headlines

The content covers a range of topics including technology, science, and culture

Voice Technology

Perplexity has partnered with ElevenLabs, a voice technology company, to provide the lifelike voice that reads the news summaries

This allows Perplexity to transform the way people consume information by making it available in an engaging audio format

Purpose and Benefits

The goal of the Discover Daily podcast is to make knowledge more accessible and engaging for listeners, especially those who are on the go or prefer a more dynamic way to stay informed

By leveraging advanced AI and voice technology, Perplexity aims to provide a convenient way for people to absorb curated information


The Discover Daily podcast is available on popular platforms such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube

.Listeners can also access it through Perplexity’s free mobile app

In summary, the Perplexity.ai Discover Daily podcast is an AI-powered, audio-based news summary service that aims to make information more accessible and engaging for listeners.

Here’s a much more detailed article on the subject here.